The 2024 International Conference in Banking and Financial Studies

5-6 September 2024

 Conference Venue and Hosting Institution

 University of Catania – Palazzo delle Scienze Corso Italia, 55, 95129 - Catania (Italy)

 Theme: Frontiers in Banking and Finance

Following the success of 2023 edition hold at Capua (CE), we invite submissions for the 2024 edition of the International Conference in Banking and Financial Studies, scheduled to be held on 05-06 September 2024 at the University of Catania (Sicily), Italy. This conference serves as a dynamic platform for scholars, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to delve into the latest advancements, obstacles, and prospects within the realm of banking and finance. Through insightful debate and collaborative engagement, the conference endeavors to chart the course for navigating the complex landscape of contemporary financial systems. We welcome papers that delve into several pertinent topics, aiming to foster comprehensive discussions and shed light on the multifaceted nature of the banking and finance domain. These topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Accounting, auditing, and taxation
  • Asset allocation and valuation
  • Banking regulation and financial services
  • Behavioral and experimental finance/economics
  • Big data in finance, artificial intelligence, and cyber security
  • Climate finance and sustainability
  • Corporate finance, IPOs, SEOs, M&A, and crowdfunding
  • Corporate governance
  • Country funds, sovereign funds, and hedge funds
  • Debt issues
  • Digital finance, cryptocurrency finance, and blockchain
  • Emerging markets finance
  • Energy finance and environment Issues
  • Entrepreneurial finance, venture capital, and private equity
  • Ethical finance, green finance, ESG and CSR
  • Financial accounting and regulation
  • Financial crises, contagion, integration, and global risks interconnection
  • Financial engineering and derivatives
  • Foreign currency issue
  • Global imbalances & sustainability
  • Household finance, real estate finance, and microfinance
  • Market behavior efficiency
  • Multinational financial management
  • Portfolio management and optimization
  • Risk management and compliance
  • Small business finance



Articles must be presented at the conference. Among them, co-chairs will invite selected papers to be submitted and considered for publication. The submission to any of the supporting journals will be from October 15th to November 30th, 2024. Authors will be required to attach a “Response letter to the discussant” that shows all the changes made to their manuscript based on the discussant’s report to speed up the reviewing process. The papers will then go through a blind review process. However, the conference co-chairs in consultancy with the editors of the supporting journals may also exceptionally consider high-quality papers not presented at this conference for publication. Papers submitted must not be under review by any other journal.


  • International Review of Financial Analysis
  • Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting
  • Journal of Multinational Financial Management
  • Review of Corporate Finance
  • The Financial Review

Timeline and Submission Process

Papers and extended abstracts should be submitted by June 30, 2024 (Early submissions are highly encouraged) by attaching to the email both title page and full paper without authors’ details.  Decisions will be provided during the first week of July 2024.

Keynote Speaker

  • Prof. Steven Ongena, University of Zurich & the Swiss Finance Institute, Switzerland.

 About the Conference

  • The conference will be only onsite (NO HYBRID FORMAT).
  • Authors of accepted papers will be expected to also act as discussants. 
  • Conference fees are all-inclusive of meals and supporting materials.


  • Sabri Boubaker – EM Normandie Business School, France & Swansea University, UK
  • Sebastiano Mazzù – University of Catania, Italy
  • Vincenzo Verdoliva – University of Naples Parthenope, Italy

 Organizing Committee 

  • Fichera Lorenzo, Università di Catania, Italy
  • Galletta Simona, Università di Catania, Italy
  • Pappalardo Maria Rosaria, Università di Catania, Italy

 Tentative schedule

  •     Thursday, September 5: 8.30‒09.00 registration and welcome reception
  •     Thursday, September 5: 09.00‒10.00 Keynote speaker
  •     Thursday, September 5: 10.00‒10.30 Coffee break
  •     Thursday, September 5: 10.30‒12.30  Parallel sessions I
  •     Thursday, September 5: 12.30‒14.00  Lunch
  •     Thursday, September 5: 14.00‒15.30 Parallel sessions II
  •     Thursday, September 5: 15.30‒16.00 Coffee break
  •     Thursday, September 5: 16.00‒17.30 Parallel sessions III
  •     Thursday, September 5:19.00 Gala Dinner
  •     Friday, September 6: 8.30‒10.00 Parallel sessions IV
  •     Friday, September 6: 10.00‒10.30 Coffee break
  •     Friday, September 6: 10.30‒12.30  Parallel sessions V
  •     Friday, September 6: 12.30‒13.30  Lunch
  •     Friday, September 6: 13.30‒15.00 Parallel sessions VI
  •     Friday, September 6: 15.00‒18.30  Guided Tour to Catania downtown


For any inquires email to

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